LinkedIn’s Strategic Push into Influencer Marketing: A Game Changer?

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LinkedIn’s Strategic Push into Influencer Marketing: A Game Changer?


In today’s issue, we’re diving into LinkedIn’s strategic pivot towards influencer marketing, a domain traditionally dominated by TikTok and Instagram. Can the professional networking giant carve out its niche in this competitive arena?

The Rise of Thought Leader Ads

Influencer marketing has long been a lucrative venture on platforms like TikTok and Instagram, where creators become stars by promoting brands. Now, LinkedIn is entering the fray with its “Thought Leader ads.” Since last year, LinkedIn has allowed advertisers to amplify posts by influential users, tapping into its vast network of over 1 billion members.

Challenges and Opportunities

Despite being a pioneer in professional networking, LinkedIn only captures a small slice of the market—projected at just 4% by eMarketer. However, the company hopes its unique positioning and business-focused audience can turn the tides. With industries from automotive to education using LinkedIn for targeted advertising, the potential for growth in influencer marketing is significant, especially as concerns over brand safety on platforms like Twitter (now X) increase.

Engagement and Effectiveness

LinkedIn’s new ad strategy doesn’t just focus on reach; it’s about engagement. Thought Leader ads have already shown higher engagement rates than traditional ads, pointing to a promising future for this approach. With the looming uncertainty over TikTok’s presence in the U.S., LinkedIn might just find an unexpected advantage.


As LinkedIn continues to innovate with Thought Leader ads, the platform may well become a key player in the influencer marketing space, particularly for B2B companies. The road ahead is challenging but filled with opportunities for those who understand the value of professional engagement.

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